Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Seek God
Some scribes and Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign and He answered them saying 'an evil and adulterous generation seek after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of prophet Jonah. Matt 12:38-38'

The bane of today’s Christianity is the seek for powers and signs, ignoring the gift and power of the Holy Spirit in us. A lot of Christians have conveniently forgotten His sacrifice for mankind on the cross and would rather seek a sign before they would believe. Well, Jesus said in the above passage that the only sign you will get is His death and resurrection. The bible says in Isaiah 'unto us a child is given...' God gave Him to us as a sign that all who believes in Him may have eternal life. He died that we may be saved, He defeated the powers that held us capture and set us free from the power of sin and death.

Do you then still need to seek more signs? Seek the Lord and you will find Him. If you seek signs, you are likely to miss the Kingdom as those miracles you seek as signs may likely become an idol to you; an item you preferred to God. We all have already been blessed in Christ Jesus in the heavenly realms, we therefore no-longer need proof but must work in the Holy Spirit to discern His intentions for us, His powers that works in us, His grace for us, His purpose for our lives, His undying love for us, His faithfulness toward us, His unmerited favors for us, His mercies that surpasses all understanding for us.

Don't you know that you are sign unto the world? God uses your redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus, and your daily living as you rise with Him through baptism as a sign that the world may see your righteous works and repent of its evil ways. Learn of him therefore, and you sure can use His powers which He has freely given unto to you to exercise on planet earth, rather than seek after signs and powers that you already have in you.

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