Monday, December 8, 2014


A King On Earth-Get Involved
We discussed before that you are King on earth, sent by Jesus to fulfilled His purpose for your life. We all became sons of God by adoption and therefore are 'joint heirs' with the Lord. This makes us Kings and Queens on earth.

Having become heaven's citizens on earth with our kingly roles, are we suppose to seek political office on planet earth? Is it a sin to occupy political office if you are a true believer? Why do the true believers stay away from politics? we can go on and on with these question. However, let us provide some answers:

1. Are we suppose to seek political office on planet earth? The answer is yes. While it is impossible for all to become president, senator etc, God did not forbid us from seeking political office on earth. As a matter of fact, some of God's chosen leaders in the biblical time were both political and very religious men starting from Moses who was engaged in several political discussions and demands with the king of Egypt, to Joshua who was deceived into negotiating with a neighboring country during the fights to conquer the land of Israel and  to King David and some of his sons.

2. Is it a sin for the righteous to occupy political office? The answer is No. The bibles say 'when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice.' You cannot be in position of authority if you don't seek political office. Ever wonder why things keep going wrong despite the huge effort by the government? Because most people in government today are not righteous. Until the righteous people with the right skills begin to seek positions of authority things are likely to remain the same. The lies will continue, many will continue to die in hunger while few amass more wealth, corruption in government will continue unhindered and 'the people' will continue to suffer.

3. Why do true believers stay away from politics? Because Christians are scared of death. Even in overwhelming Christians' majority nations, the true believers usually chicken out for the gangsters to rule. The church needs to pray, unit behind righteous people, and give them the necessary support to be elected into positions of real authority. Its not a question of whether or not the person is Catholic or Baptist or Pentecostal. So long as he or she has the fear of God and has the record of righteous living coupled with the right training, should be supported to take up political positions in order for the masses to rejoice.

Nigeria would be the test case come 2015. Who would you support? A righteous man with the requisite skills and training minus money to bribe delegates, who when voted into office, the people will enjoy better life, or an unrighteous man who is most likely going to steal, kill and destroy? Make a choice and speak out!

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