Friday, October 17, 2014


“Jesus saith unto him “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.-John 14:6”

God promised to write His laws in our hearts which He has fulfilled, by granting us the Holy Spirit; such that your heart would instantly condemn you the moment an evil thought crosses your mind and you began to think to act on that thought. But for the sake of some that have not learn of Christ, below are the guiding principles and obligations of Citizens of the Kingdom:
  1. Believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the saviour of the world and the only way to the Kingdom of God. Don’t just say it because a pastor or reverend asks you to, say it, mean it and believe it.                                                                                                                   
  2. You shall not have any other god before Elohim. Some would say; we don’t worship any other God. Very good if that is the case, but how many hours do you spend in His presence? Compare that to the number of hours you spend watching a movie series. Is that movie more important that God? If you answer that question correctly, you are on your way to the Kingdom.                                                                                                           
  3. You shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is the earth benearth, or that is in the water under the earth. Is there an image in your household that is worshiped as an idol? Destroy it now and learn of Jesus, the Saviour of the World.                                                                                              
  4. You shall not bow down to thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me: and showing mercy to unto thousand of them that love me and keep my commandments. Whatever sin that your parents committed that is working against you right now derives its powers from your ignorance of what God has done for you. He promised mercy to those that loves Him which He has delivered through His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore, what is needed is for you to trade your sins and that of your parents' misbehavior for His mercy through Christ Jesus and not for you to trace back the shrines                                                                                                                                       
  5. You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold guiltless that taketh His name in vain. It is annoying to hear people say things in the name of the Lord, even when they are not sure God have spoken to them. Jesus have a name for such people; “false prophets”. Why would a pastor tell his or her congregation that 'God said' when God has not spoken? And when it didn’t happened the way he or she has foretell, he will tell you, it because the recipient of the message did not have enough faith. Since when did prophesy becomes a thing of faith? I think rather that prophesy has alot to do with fate rather than faith. While God decided to change the fate of some persons in the past because of their prayers and genuine repentance, in most cases he did not.                 Cases abounds in the Bible which I will not go into here, but the bottom-line is; if you have not been told, don’t tell. This is especially for those that say they are occupying the office of a prophet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Remain Blessed!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” Matthew 11:29-30

In Isaiah chapter 1:18-19, it's clear what God wants His children to do to be called sons and daughters of God. He want to us to come to him in repentance and obedience to his words in order to enjoy the fruit of the land (treasures in His Kingdom) Why is it so difficult for some to trade their sorrows and pains for studying and learning of Jesus (i.e. The easy yoke) and live in obedience to His Words (the light burden) in order to be fruitful and live in abundance?

From the statement of Jesus in Matthew above, it is obvious that He is asking us to discard our sinful lives that brings us sorrows and pains in exchange for our heart desires as we learn of him. Apostle Paul refers to this as; we longer been a slave but sons via adoption. But must Christians today don’t even bother to learn of Him, neither would they repent of their sins, all that matter to them is to have what they want and the Kingdom must provide it, if not Jesus will have no rest. They will pray day and night for whatever they desire but will never read the bible until on Sunday. Even on the Sunday, they don’t read the bible, they just listen to what the pastor or reverend has to say, shout at God in the name of prayer and then go home to continue in their old ways.

More grievous is that fact that this group of Christians would perversely slander the name of the Lord by quoting the bible out of context to support their evil ways. They actively work for their father the devil and his agents-the demons by publicly supporting things that God clearly condemned such as gay marriages and stealing of the common wealth in the name of faith and blessing that is clearly not of God

As Christians, do you imagine Christ and any of the Apostles attending or officiating a gay marriage? Please, learn of the Lord today, He loves you so much. Return His love by learning of Him and obey his commandments and He will definitely set you free from the bondage of sin and sorrow.

Remain Blessed!  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Getting into the Kingdom of God
“ Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth  all that he hath and buyeth that field-Matthew 13:44”. KJV

Today, let me share with you how you could enter the Kingdom of God. Primarily, two events are connected to your getting into the Kingdom and becoming a citizen, which are entirely your responsibility. From the passage above, it’s clear what the two requirements are for you to become a citizen of the Kingdom:

  • Learn of Jesus. How? By searching the Bible and learning of Him
  • Sell all you own and follow Jesus. How? By leaving your sinful past life behind.

There are numerous tales of people that made money running into millions, some came into wealth from serious poverty background by luck and others through God given talents which disappeared all too quickly, and they are now living in abject poverty. Search their backgrounds and you will be amazed to find that some of them were religious people and most probably still are. They are always at the forefront of all church activities and are very well respected. Then you ask yourself. Why? The answer is very simple; most found the Kingdom of God but did not enter into it. Remember that the Kingdom of God has everything that you desire and what is required once you are in the Kingdom as a citizen is to ASK. But, some of theses people found the Kingdom, then rush to begin to enjoy the benefits which has always been the problem. They found the Kingdom, discover that the Kingdom have riches far beyond their imagination, then, they forget the second requirement; which is to sell all that they own to by the Land-the Kingdom with the treasures in it.

In John 3:5 Jesus says “Verily, Verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”. So many people today, instead of leaving their past life behind once they found the Kingdom, become born again and would thereafter, receive the promised benefits/treasures in the field which would have been legally theirs, would rather chose to steal by remaining in sin and enjoying some of the benefits by whatever means possible

They have heard so many times to repent of their sins, however, blinded by their sinful lifestyle, would search and find the treasures hidden in the Kingdom, but would forget to sell their past to the cross and be born again by water and the Spirit. They would say God has blessed them. No, that is not God’s blessing, when you enjoy the treasures without been a citizen, it will soon disappear because it belongs to the legal citizens; those that have Christ in them, those that will not abide in sin, those that would not hurt their neighbor, those that would give freely to them that are in need and expect nothing in return, those that seek to serve and not to be served and worshiped as idols etc. 

Let me encourage you to join the citizens who flies on eagles wings and nothing shall by any means hurt them. Though, they may fall, they shall surely rise again with double portions like JOB of old. Their latter days shall be greater than their beginning. (Amen)

Chose to be a citizen by learning of Jesus and repenting of your sins. Talk to your local pastor today about how you could be a partaker of the joy and endless treasures in the Kingdom or email us should you need our assistance to help you get there.

Remain Blessed!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Obtaining in the Kingdom
“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son-John14:13

Most people today want things from God and they expect that God should or must provide them with their needs, failing which they would curse and tell whoever cares to listen that God does not exist. 
As sons of God, we must understand that the Kingdom operates differently from the earthly nations and its workings. In the earthly way, you need not believe what Mr. A is doing, so long as it serves your purpose. in order words, you get whatever you can before some one else get ahead of you to get it.

In the the Kingdom of God, things operate differently; you must seek first the Kingdom, and when you find it, will be pleasantly surprised because all that you ever wanted are there in the Kingdom. Also, you need not struggle when in the Kingdom to get want you need as there are enough to go round all the sons. The only requirement is ‘ASK’. Unfortunately, a lot of our brethren are asking first before entering the Kingdom. Sometimes, some of us even accuse God because our prayers are not answered, but failed to understand that when you are not a citizen of the Kingdom with your name fully registered, you are wasting your time. Whatever you get from the Kingdom by faith is illegal, meaning you are benefiting illegally. 

The Kingdom we talk about here is practical. People have this notion that you can only enter the Kingdom when you are dead or raptures. I don't believe this to be right. Once you are a 'son' (Adopted or the original seed of Abraham) you are in the Kingdom of God. The only difference is that God is yet to come down to begin His earthly rule. Therefore, the promises of God in His Kingdom is yours. You could ask anything in Jesus name and He will grant it so long as its in His perfect will for you.

Christians in the Kingdom who are redeemed of God often could tell when their request is in a perfect will of God because of the relationship they enjoy with Him. Therefore, chose today to enter His Kingdom as tomorrow maybe too late. He is faithful and Just; able to provide you with all you could ever need or think of.

Read Matthew 6:31-33

Remain Bless!


Kingdom of Benefit Instead of Kingdom of God First
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...”-Matthew 6:33

Some, especially in Africa have turned the above scripture upside-down and will readily ask; why seek the Kingdom of God first while hungry, no shelter nor protection? It would be better to seek food, shelter and protection first, and when these things are available, “I would serve the Lord in comfort, pay my tithes, buy the latest vehicle for my pastor/reverend father to do God’s work and even help the needy” they would say. How wrong they are! 

It's no-longer news that the wealth of the nations is concentrated in the hands of the few, necessitating the upheaval struggle for survivor today. However, Jesus expressively told us to seek the Kingdom first. So, as God’s children leaving on planet earth, your first duty is to seek the Kingdom of God first every day of your life. Nothing else should matter because when you find the Kingdom of God and enter into it, other things will begin to matter as she blesses you with the riches in her.

Your wealth provided by the Kingdom should be judiciously utilized for the Kingdom purpose. As you provide more for the Kingdom purpose, the Kingdom provides more for you because, God knows that ultimately, it will be used for the Kingdom. No wonder the bible says “God loveth a cheerful giver-2 Corinthians 9:7” 

So, I urge you today to be a kingdom citizen and not merely conforming to the world around you. Doing the wrong thing simply because others that you know are doing it does not make it right, rather you should be the light that clearly directs them to the Savior and Redeemer of the world.

Seek His Kingdom today by prayerfully studying his Words (the Bible) and applying it to your daily life. Tell others about Jesus and his redeeming sacrifice for our sin today. 

Remain Blessed!!