Monday, October 13, 2014


Obtaining in the Kingdom
“And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son-John14:13

Most people today want things from God and they expect that God should or must provide them with their needs, failing which they would curse and tell whoever cares to listen that God does not exist. 
As sons of God, we must understand that the Kingdom operates differently from the earthly nations and its workings. In the earthly way, you need not believe what Mr. A is doing, so long as it serves your purpose. in order words, you get whatever you can before some one else get ahead of you to get it.

In the the Kingdom of God, things operate differently; you must seek first the Kingdom, and when you find it, will be pleasantly surprised because all that you ever wanted are there in the Kingdom. Also, you need not struggle when in the Kingdom to get want you need as there are enough to go round all the sons. The only requirement is ‘ASK’. Unfortunately, a lot of our brethren are asking first before entering the Kingdom. Sometimes, some of us even accuse God because our prayers are not answered, but failed to understand that when you are not a citizen of the Kingdom with your name fully registered, you are wasting your time. Whatever you get from the Kingdom by faith is illegal, meaning you are benefiting illegally. 

The Kingdom we talk about here is practical. People have this notion that you can only enter the Kingdom when you are dead or raptures. I don't believe this to be right. Once you are a 'son' (Adopted or the original seed of Abraham) you are in the Kingdom of God. The only difference is that God is yet to come down to begin His earthly rule. Therefore, the promises of God in His Kingdom is yours. You could ask anything in Jesus name and He will grant it so long as its in His perfect will for you.

Christians in the Kingdom who are redeemed of God often could tell when their request is in a perfect will of God because of the relationship they enjoy with Him. Therefore, chose today to enter His Kingdom as tomorrow maybe too late. He is faithful and Just; able to provide you with all you could ever need or think of.

Read Matthew 6:31-33

Remain Bless!

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