Wednesday, October 15, 2014


“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” Matthew 11:29-30

In Isaiah chapter 1:18-19, it's clear what God wants His children to do to be called sons and daughters of God. He want to us to come to him in repentance and obedience to his words in order to enjoy the fruit of the land (treasures in His Kingdom) Why is it so difficult for some to trade their sorrows and pains for studying and learning of Jesus (i.e. The easy yoke) and live in obedience to His Words (the light burden) in order to be fruitful and live in abundance?

From the statement of Jesus in Matthew above, it is obvious that He is asking us to discard our sinful lives that brings us sorrows and pains in exchange for our heart desires as we learn of him. Apostle Paul refers to this as; we longer been a slave but sons via adoption. But must Christians today don’t even bother to learn of Him, neither would they repent of their sins, all that matter to them is to have what they want and the Kingdom must provide it, if not Jesus will have no rest. They will pray day and night for whatever they desire but will never read the bible until on Sunday. Even on the Sunday, they don’t read the bible, they just listen to what the pastor or reverend has to say, shout at God in the name of prayer and then go home to continue in their old ways.

More grievous is that fact that this group of Christians would perversely slander the name of the Lord by quoting the bible out of context to support their evil ways. They actively work for their father the devil and his agents-the demons by publicly supporting things that God clearly condemned such as gay marriages and stealing of the common wealth in the name of faith and blessing that is clearly not of God

As Christians, do you imagine Christ and any of the Apostles attending or officiating a gay marriage? Please, learn of the Lord today, He loves you so much. Return His love by learning of Him and obey his commandments and He will definitely set you free from the bondage of sin and sorrow.

Remain Blessed!  

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