Thursday, November 20, 2014


Protection that you enjoy in the Kingdom of God includes but not limited to the following:

1. Protection against demonic attacks: they are powerless against you if you are in the Kingdom. So, you should concentrate more on getting into the Kingdom of God and fulfilling your destiny, rather than chase demons around for your failures. If you are truly born-again and have Christ in you, you cannot be bothered by demons.
2. Protection against witchcraft attacks: Witches and wizards don’t have power over you if you are in the Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit in you. The reason witches keep tormenting you is because you have not repent from your sins.
3. Protection against attacks on finances: You will have attacks on your finances if you are not in the Kingdom. The bible says we should love our neighbours but you are cheating them? Paying tithe is good but more importantly you should care for the downtrodden and the less privileged.
4. Protection against attacks on health: “You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will keep you healthy”-Exodus 23:25NLT.  Your health is in the hands of the Lord, He is the Lord that healed you. So, trust in the Lord and He shall deliver you from ill health and even add more years to your years. But please know that if  you reject the kingdom of God for worldly wealth and refuse to serve Him, even when you receive healing, another illness is likely to manifest within a short period. So determine to be in the Kingdom today by giving your life to Jesus.
5. Protection against attacks on marriage: He who find a wife, find a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord. Is your case different? You and your wife should chose to save the Lord now and every problems in your family shall be resolved in the name of the Lord
6. Protection against attacks on child bearing and children: “there shall be no miscarriages or infertility among your people, and I will give you long, full lives”-Exodus 23:26 NLT. This is so wonderful. you are fertile; which means that you shall definitely get pregnant when it is time. You will not miscarry; which means that you will carry your baby to term. God will give you long and full lives; meaning you and your child will have a blessed and long lives.
7. Protection against career: Whatever you do in life which you are certain is what you are born for is your career. If you are in the wrong career, you will definitely loss it or loss your soul altogether. So don’t be sad when you lost your job, it might be that God is taking you to the career prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Paul lost his career as an enforcer of the law and was appointed as a teacher of faith and grace provided by Christ Jesus, and your case will not be different in Jesus name. Amen.
8. Protection against prayer life: There are Christians that would not pray but watch moves for close to twenty hours a day. This is because you don’t have the Holy Spirit of God in you. Ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit today and your prayer life will be revived.
9. Protection against physical, harmful deadly attacks: A lot of us today, the only that is keeping alive is the prayers and faith of our love ones and the church of God. The reason is simple; God will answer the prayer the church in other for His children that are faithful not to waiver in their faith. But please know that time is running out on you. If you don’t repent now and return to God soon, those prayers Of the Kingdom citizens will no longer cover for you because you already know the truth but refused to adhere to it.
10 Protection against attacks on vision and mission: You are a soldier on earth but you must be careful carrying out your duties. If you are a house wife, you are a soldier in a war front to ensure that your children are trained to know the Lord and follow in His ways. So, do not resist you assignment, even if the world think is not good enough for you. So long as you are convinced that that is what you should be doing and it gives you happiness and peace of God, then glorify God through it. Mother Theresa comes to mind here. Sure you have heard her story.
11 Protection against attacks on bloodline: Foundation problems hold no power against you once you accept Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. Your new foundation is in the blood of Jesus. Accept Christ today and be prayerful.
12 Protection against attacks on destiny: A lot of people are been forced into the wrong career/destiny, parents forcing their wards to become reverend fathers or sister or pastors. If that person is meant to be a married man and you forced him to become a reverend father, he will never serve well, rather, he will continue to chase after girls in His Parish. Your promise notwithstanding, God’s ways are not our ways. So, stop forcing your ways on God’s children.

13 Protection against attacks on spiritual life: You have to be watchful and return to your first love to avoid spiritual attacks. Some peoples love for Christ has grown cold as a result of worldly pleasures. Please return to Him today before He removes your lamp-stand. 

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