Sunday, November 9, 2014


One could ask; Is Kingdom citizenship by choice, force, or birth? If you have been reading this blog, by now should fully understand the processes involved in becoming a Kingdom Citizen. Jesus told His disciples not to rejoice because demons obey them, rather, they should rejoice because their names are registered in the Kingdom. Now, any process that involves registration will also require some form of requirement. For instance, for me to have started this blog, I needed to have a Google account, I could chose not to and do something else altogether. I could as well take it down any day, any time I want. 

The kingdom of God is no different from this, in that certain things are required for us to be in the Kingdom which is entirely up to us; it is up to us to live a righteous life, be our brothers keeper, not to be a murderer, not to steal, live in peace with all men etc. Jesus certainly cannot do that for you, neither will God.

However, as the bible say, God's grace is sufficient for us, and that He is not willing that any should perish. Therefore, He offered His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide you as you make the choice to use the Kingdom passport that allows you free access to His kingdom and its benefits. I am certain that you now understand that, it is by His mercy and Grace that you can make the choice; for God has given you the freewill to chose between good and evil, between light and darkness and between His Kingdom which is light unto men and the Kingdom of darkness. But the decision could be difficult which is why you need His Grace and Mercy as you take the path that leads to life.

Luke 8: 37-40 did tell us a story of people who begged Jesus to leave them for they were afraid, and others who waited and received him with joy. Despite the awesome display of His powers in the above passage, Jesus did not force the people to accept him as Christ neither did He get angry and undo the good He did by liberating the demon possessed man. He however sent him forth to tell others of what he had enjoyed from the Kingdom.

Starting today, do not just recite creeds that you know nothing about, forced on you by religion, instead, study the bible, leave in righteousness of God and chose the salvation offered by Christ Jesus. For you were chosen before the foundation of the world to be in the Kingdom of God and not the Kingdom of darkness where there is everlasting torment.

Become a Kingdom citizen today by loving the Lord your God, living in peace with all men, and doing the will of Jesus who sent you into the world to bring men and women into the Kingdom by your choosing and by His grace and Mercy upon your life.

Be a disciple today to all nations...Amen!

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