Saturday, April 2, 2016


Anointing To Restore Sight To The Blind
One of the anointing that we have through Christ Jesus is the anointing to restore sight to the blind, to help those that cannot see to clearly be able to see. There are two types of blindness; physical and spiritual blindness. Of this two, spiritual blindness is more severe as it would lead to eternal damnation. We therefore will focus our attention on it, knowing however, that we have been empowered and anointed to heal the physical loss of sight as Jesus did on several occasions as well.

To be spiritually blind is to be disconnected from your source. Reconnection became very difficult before the coming of Christ Jesus, but Christ opens the doors of grace unto us that we may restore sights to the spiritually blind.

“I will bring distress upon men, and they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord…” Zephaniah 1:17

Sin brings about separation from God and ultimately, Spiritual blindness. This is one of the ills we Christians are called and anointed to correct in the name of Jesus.  Have you wondered why what is very plain to you as day, are so very difficult for the world to understand? You believe that Jesus is the Son of God; you believe that one can be healed in His name; you believe that demons tremble at the mention of His name; you believe that a mountain would move by faith, you lay your hands on the sick by faith and they are healed, you command witchcraft to be destroyed and they are destroyed, you could communicated with a birth and a tree and have a conversation with your heavenly Father. But the spiritually blinded thinks you are a fool and should probably get something reasonable to do. Yet, we are called to help them see.

“Isaiah 29:18 in that the day…the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness”

That day is today. The acceptable year of the Lord, when the blind receives sight by the power in the name of Jesus through you, and the sinner abandons his sinful ways and reconnects to His maker. When we allow the world to lead, we are more or less allowing the blind to lead the blind and will both fall into the ditch-Matthew 15:14. We therefore must intensify our reach to the unsaved and tell them about the saving grace of Jesus and power that He has given those that believed on His name.

“Job 29:15 I was eyes to the blind and I was feet to the lame”

Like Job, we must become the eyes through which those that are blind could see. As salts of the earth, the blind must see the goodness and kindness of God through us, and the signs that would make them believe that indeed we serve the living God. We must therefore marry the word with action tailored toward helping the blind to see and save them from eternal death.

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