Friday, November 7, 2014


“Don’t rejoice simply because demons obey you, rather, because your names are registered as citizens of heaven”. Luke 10:20

Today, we have so many pastors and reverends that can cast out demons in the name of Jesus. But, are they really citizen of the Kingdom? Nowadays, people are drawn by miracles, some of which have been openly ascribed to magic powers and witchcraft. Yet the Christians flocks to this so called churches for miracles. How can a christian whom Jesus described as the salt of the earth lives a controversial and opulent live at the detriment of his followers, cheating and defrauding the unsuspecting public through donations for charity works etc, and yet, still hope to be a citizen of the Kingdom?

 Jesus said; 'many will say to Me in that day, Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name...I will declare to them; I never know you, depart from me you who practice lawlessness.' What is important therefore, is to have your name registered as citizen. 
The bibles tells us that; you shall know the truth, and that the truth shall make you free. The truth here are clearly spelt out in the bible. I therefore urge you to seek to do the will of your Father who is in heaven and not to be self righteous. Could you be involved in the following and still consider yourself a citizen of the Kingdom:

1. Worship of your pastor or reverend instead of God as a result of their perceived miraculous powers.
2. Worship money, cars and other worldly properties instead of God, 
3. Using the name of God to steal and cover for your many sins.
4. Stealing of public funds meant for infrastructural development.

Please know that those outside the Kingdom can also chase out demons but so long as their names are not registered as citizens, they are using that power in the name of Jesus illegally and it shall soon be taken away from them. 

Be wise and get registered today by studying the Words of God and asking His forgiveness of your sins.

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