Monday, November 10, 2014


A citizen of the Kingdom of God living on planet earth occupies four distinct offices namely: An Ambassador, a King a Priest and a Prophet.
Today, we will be dealing with your office as an ambassador:  “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ…” 2corinthians 5:20”. The Oxford Advanced Learners dictionaries define an ambassador as “official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his own country” i.e. USA's ambassador to Nigeria. From the above definition, it’s clear why the bible says that God made us a little lower than Himself and higher than other created beings. God therefore chooses to send you as His representative to correct the anomaly that exits on planet earth; for not only are we senior members of His creation, we have His nature and looks like His son unlike other created beings. So, God says, let me send the human that looks like me and have the nature of my son to represent me on planet earth.

You were chosen to be an Ambassador“If ye were of the world, the world would love its own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you...”.  John 15:19.Knowing who you are is crucial to your success; therefore, Jesus spelt it out for you above just in case you might have some doubts. Now you know you were chosen and no longer of the world, you belong in Kingdom of God. So, as from today, begin to act as a Kingdom citizen and not some one that is still waiting for the Kingdom. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour you are already in the Kingdom and no evil spirit can torment you neither can witches and wizards.

You Are Sent To Earth As An Ambassador “Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you-John 20:21”.
For you to be sent as an ambassador, you need a letter, a diplomatic passport. Jesus handed you that letter above.Now you know you were sent as the Kingdom senior representative to planet earth with so much power. You are so powerful that demons and other evil powers either freezes at the sight of you or run for dear life, why? Because you were granted power along with your diplomatic passport to perform miraculous signs that he performed; heal the sick, raise the dead, chase out demons and even forgive sins once you receive the Holy Ghost and enter into the Kingdom of God, John 20:23.

As an ambassador, your worst nightmare is the devil (the accuser of brethren); he is scheming at all times to rid you of your ambassadorial position and all the powers that comes with it. But like every ambassador, you are immune to arrest and prosecution for whatever kind of charges your country of host might label against you. They can only complain to the government that sent you, and it’s only your government that can wave your immunity, not your host country. Sure this brings to mind our dear Job.  It is for this the same reason that the bible talks about the accuser of brethren. What the devil does once you become a Kingdom citizen is to go before God daily to accuse you of wrong doings, but he cannot touch you, your life, finances or other Kingdom benefits bestowed on you by the King of Kings.

I urge you today to exercise your right as an ambassador of the Kingdom over sin, powers and principalities.

I dedicate this page to Dr. Myles Munroe as he passes on to eternal glory. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

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