Sunday, November 16, 2014


“…For as many that are led by the spirit of God, there are the sons of God”.

Wonderful statement you would say, but most of us don’t understand the implication of that statement. As a son, you have a delegated responsibility to rule. You are royalty and as royalty, you have powers. Your words are laws that must be obeyed. This is why you must be careful how you pray and the words that you speak daily. Your word could make or mar a child of God’s life, the same person you are primarily sent to bring into the Kingdom. So, chose today to be led by the spirit of God in all that you do or say.

The Power To Forgive Or Retain Sins
“Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosever sins ye retain, they are retained”-John 20:23
From the above statement, it is obvious that you can forgive sins in the name of Jesus. Remember that you have the nature of God in you through Christ Jesus. Jesus made you His brother through adoption, if you are Jesus brother, then a son of God through adoption, a King who will one day reign with His brother, with Jesus as the King of Kings and you, a King.
Right now though, the King of Kings has sent you on assignment for the Kingdom, as a special representative on planet earth who can forgive sins. Oh! This is wonderful! Do you remember what Jesus told the Pharisees? That he has powers on earth to forgive sins and he proved it not just by forgiving the man his sins but ask him to carry his mat and walk, Jesus then passed this same authority to you.
As wonderful as this is, a lot of Christians are not aware of it and most that are aware, are misusing the powers. As powerful as Jesus is, He did not go about retaining sins. Again, God trusted you and gave you freewill to exercise His authority and power, but while Christ that pass this authority and power to you went about forgiving sins and setting people free from bondage of sin and sorrow and eventually died for our own sins, what are you doing with your own power of retention and forgiveness of sin?

Most of us are busy retaining peoples sins, even though God did not retain ours but sent His only begotten son to die that we might be redeemed from bondage of sin and death. It is common place now to hear a Christian say something like; “God will punish you”, God will “surely pay you back”, “you will surely pay for what you did to me, abi no be God i dey serve again” “na God go punish that man”
I like God, in that, before he gave you the power to forgive and retain sins, he had already told you that; you should be merciful just as your father in heaven is merciful, and that, you should forgive others their sins so that yours will also be forgiven. In other words, as you retain other people’s sins, yours also is retained.

This is one of the reasons why Jesus said, not all those that call me Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Because, you are not doing the right things nor using the right Words, you are misusing your powers and it is time to stop and us it appropriately as commanded.

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