'...we are all parts of His one body, and each of us have different
work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other,
and each of us needs all the others'
From the above passage, it is obvious that we are sent
to planet earth, for a purpose and this purpose is the Kingdom. What is more
glaring is the fact that this assignment differs for every person sent. So, Gifts
are provided in order for you to succeed. That is to say what you need to
succeed in the Kingdom assignment is a gift given you freely by Christ
Jesus...the 'Holy Spirit'.
Once sent, you are granted the gifts you need to
succeed on your assignment. In Romans 1:4-8 the bible tells us that we have now
every spiritual gifts that we need. As the Kingdom citizens of Corinth had
every gift that they needed, so also, God has granted us every gifts including
These gifts, instead of working for the Kingdom, have been misused so much that the Kingdom citizens that are supposed to be
beneficiaries, are now left confused and are therefore backsliding; doubting their beliefs. What they see their pastors' do contradicts what they read in the Bible. But they are reminded by the 'misusers of the gift', that the bibles also says they should not judge nor touch the anointed of God.
You must determine to use your gift for the Kingdom purpose today. Be 'Christ like', be the salt of the earth that should never lose its taste. Let others see your work and glorify your Father in Heaven. Your gift should not be a stumbling block for other Christians and non Christians alike, rather you should glorify God through that which you are gifted.
Use your talent to propagate the Kingdom message. In the end, what matters is your soul. When you fail to use your gift for the Kingdom purpose, God will required the lives of those that should have been saved through your gift. Talk to some one about God today.
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