From our discussion on Kingdom Ambassador, you understand that you are sent by Christ to among other things ,
function as a teacher. This is because, Jesus had instructed us to
learn of Him. For some to learn, they have to be taught by others; this is
such a serious responsibility and must be taken seriously by those occupying that office. Teachers in the Kingdom needs to be
careful to teach what Jesus taught and not add human traditions and what 'feels
right' to it. A teacher that teaches the wrong doctrine is in danger of
condemnation and may take down lots of God’s children (seeking to enter the
Kingdom) with him or her.
Jesus spoke concerning teachers teaching doctrines that
differs from the Kingdom message, when he says; they don’t enter the Kingdom
and they don’t allow those trying to enter to go in. Pastors, reverends or whatever name you are called or gave yourself , what exactly are you teaching God’s children in your church? The
Kingdom message as preached by Jesus or the Kingdom Benefits? Most churches today teach the
benefits to the detriment of the Kingdom. Which is more important, the Kingdom
that offers the benefits or the benefits?
Please know that any benefit you derived from the Kingdom
without first entering the Kingdom is an illegal acquisition and will not last.
Not only that you will not enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom of God that
will be ruled by Jesus, you will have eternal life in hell where there is torments day and night. Think about it,
would you rather spend your eternity in hell tormented day and night or in
the Kingdom of Kingdom where you will enjoy eternal life with Christ Jesus? Do not
say your pastor did not tell you about the Kingdom, because you have the bible
in your house and probably go with it to the church weekly. Its time you study it and pay serious
attention to the Words in it. Read Joshua 1:8
with Benefit or prosperity Teachings
The problem with prosperity teaching is that, people now think is about tithing. 'You pay tithe and God magical open-up the store house of the Kingdom to bless you without measure.' They think more of bribing God than seeking the Kingdom. Our pastors have led God’s
children to seek benefits first, then bribe God to get more; the Kingdom of God
is out of the equation. Please be warned, you cannot bribe God, He owns everything.
Religious and secular leaders in authority particularly in Nigeria and ofcourse other parts of the world are now poisonous snakes that killed and continue to kill God’s children with their venom. It is
baffling how few individuals would steal money meant for millions of people,
and despite the fact that this individuals have been exposed publicly, our
pastors would go ahead and collect part of that money as
tithes. Pastor, please know that you are bringing the judgement of God upon
yourself, family and those wicked fellows. The innocent blood of that Kingdom
citizen that died on a road accident is crying against you and that corrupt
official because you encouraged that official to steal the money meant to construct that road for a 10%
return which you now deviously referred to as tithe.
That baby that died in
transit because the parents were searching for a government hospital that have
bed space to admit him or her will cry against you.
The blood of every person that has been turned to a killer
because you did not tell him about the Kingdom but busy preaching the benefits will
speak against you on the judgement day. The blood of every innocent person that
has died of hunger shall, as the blood of Abel cried to God from the earth, cry
against you.
To him that is stealing from the poor, do you think making generous donations and
paying your tithe from stolen money will save you? Think again. What will save
you is to exchange your worldly live for Jesus Kingdom given to him by his
Father, learn of Him through the bible, become truly born-again and not some
chant in front of an altar of Satan that you have been born again. Your wealth if genuine, should be used to bless others,
especially those that cannot repay you and in so doing, your Father in Heaven
will open more doors of divine benefits unto you, not paying tithes to sustain
the lavish life style of self appointed prophets and healers.
churches open branches
The only reason most of the churches open branches is to be able to reach and tell people about Jesus the 'Miracle worker' and not about the Kingdom of God.
Search the bible, did Jesus preach miracle or the Kingdom of God? Read the
Gospels; Matthew to John and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Jesus central message is; Kingdom of God on earth, first within you
which is why you were given the Holy spirit, later physical when you will enjoy
eternal life with him on earth.
As a teacher, your duty is to constantly tell the people
about the Kingdom of God. Your order of preaching should be: 1. Seek ye first
the Kingdom 2. How to get there; “I am the way...”Jesus says and 3.
Every other thing shall be added once you are in the Kingdom of God. This
Kingdom seeking process is simple enough but some teachers have so far been
successful in deleting the first two. Our modern teachers have turned the
simple outline into impossibilities, thereby ensuring that God’s children are
the ones looking for them, changing church or even some times quitting church entirely. Religious doctrines have now replaced the
teaching of Christ making God’s children to be searching endlessly for where
God really is. This is despite Jesus prayers in:
John 17:20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all
who will ever believe in me because of their testimonies. My prayer for them is
that they will be one, just as you and I are one”.
Now, some Catholics will
never accept an invitation to a program in any of the Pentecostal churches
while lots of Pentecostals thinks Catholics need to have their heads
re-examine. In fact, they don’t think most Catholics worship God.
Jesus foresaw what you are doing now when he prayed for you
2000 years ago, it was written down for you but you chose to ignore it, thereby
effectively making Christianity an umbrella name for different brands of
Christ. And since Christ has become brands, if the users don’t get results
using one, they move to another-the next brand. C’mon teachers, stop now before
it’s too late. You certainly don’t want to be among those that will tell Jesus;
but we performed miracles and heal in your name and he will say, away from me
you workers of iniquity.
Teachers Should Be Teaching
§ The
Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God is practical enough, why are churches not
preaching it even though Jesus message is centered on the Kingdom? Preach the
Kingdom today!
§ Jesus:
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, whoever believeth on Him shall have
eternal life in the Kingdom. This is very important, in that you cannot be in
the Kingdom if you don’t know the path that leads to it
§ Let
them know that the prosperity that they seek are in the Kingdom but that they should
first learn of Jesus, repent of their sins, take up their cross and follow Him
into the Kingdom.
Please feel free to add a comment and remain blessed!