Thursday, November 27, 2014


In the days of Paul the apostle, some of the believers in Corinth were calling themselves followers of different pastors. Some said 'I am of Paul', others said we are of Appollos and Cephas, and then a group that follows Christ. Paul wrote to them saying: 'Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul?' In the same vain, let me ask you a similar question. Are you a follower of Christ or your Pastor?

A follower of Christ will do and be known for the following:

1. Love Jesus and His or her neighbor.
2. Obey Jesus Command.
3. Will not steal nor lie.
4. Will help the needy.
5. Will house a stranger.
6. Will feed the hungry.
7. Will cloth the nicked.
8. Will win souls for the Kingdom.
9. Will live a righteous and holy live.
10. Will seek justice for the poor and widows.

A follower of a pastor will do or be known for the following:

1. Will rather attend a function called by the pastor rather than respond to an emergency call from a brother
2. Seek wealth and affluence. 
3. Will be greedy.
3. His or her pastors knows best.
4. Always willing to defend the pastor.
5. Upholds pastor's views even when it contradicts the Bible.
6. Loves pastor more than God.
7. Works for popularity of the Church rather than work for the Kingdom.
8. Are self righteous.
9. Are of the world and showoff what they gain from it. 
10. Would rather offend God than offend the pastor

If you falls in the second category, its time to move to the first. Follow God not pastor or reverend.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


In the name of political correctness and freedom, governments and some individuals now say we are intolerant of people that don't share our believes. We cannot openly tell ourselves the truth any more for fear of some one dragging us before a court. The bible tells us that God's Words cannot be broken. It therefore follows that what the bible say is sin must be called a sin no matter who is involved. We must therefore openly admonish those involved the following practices with love:

1. Homosexuality.
2. Lesbianism.
3. Abortion.
4. Sex with Animals other than Human.
5.  Divorce when immorality is not involved.

We must stop testing God's patients for us. Apostle Paul ask a very vital question when he asked whether we should continue in sin that grace abounds? He says God forbid. For those that continue to live in sin in the hope that God understands and will forgive them, must repent of their sin and ask God's forgiveness today.


Are Kingdom Citizens suppose to be trapped by the gifts of their fellow citizens? The gift of God is suppose to bring about peace and blessing for His children but some pastors have turned the gift of God into a bondage for the citizens, making them live in fear of demonic powers, witchcraft powers and the likes. The bible says the wages of sin is death, therefore, the only thing that can bring enemy attack on your live is sin, which ultimately will result in the person's eternity in hell.

I therefore want to let you know today that, when you enter the Kingdom, the devil and her demons don’t have any power over you. Infact, the bible tells us in book of  Isaiah, that surely the enemies will gather but that their gathering will amount to nothing. Also, you have been given dominion over these principalities and powers, and therefore need not worried nor be afraid of them.

The most worrisome aspect of this is that most Christian’s time is now devoted to witchcraft and demonic powers when they are not praying for wealth, relegating the Kingdom Message. Try these for a change; worship God in Spirit and in Truth, pray for your enemies as commanded by Jesus, help the poor and the needy (please, not by stealing from them and then asking them to line up in the morning in your house for handouts), love your neighbor as yourself, visit the sick in the hospital; pray for them and help pay their bills if you can.

In Joshua, The bible commands us to study the words and meditate in it day and night. Also, in Proverbs, the bibles says wisdom is the principal thing. I therefore urge you to study His Words and live by it all the days of your live.


'Unto us a Child is born, Unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder'

Jesus was born for us, He lived that we may experience peace in His Kingdom and died that we may be redeemed to God the father. The bibles tells in Isaiah that 'of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end'. As we continue to carryout the distinct responsibilities that he has assigned each of us, you should always bear in mind that He has promised peace without end for those in the Kingdom.

For you that is already in the Kingdom, what are you doing today to ensure peace for your neighbor? The bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Are you been selfish with the knowledge and information that you have about the Kingdom? You should decide to share the peace of God with all men in this season. God so love the world...He loves us all and He is not willing that any should perish. It therefore behooves us to ensure that our brethren who at the moment not in the Kingdom are aware of what they have missed up-to this day.

As you think about sharing the knowledge of the Kingdom with a neighbor today, I leave you with the Words of Jesus...'Peace I leave with you, my peace I gave you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.' John 14:27.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


'...we are all parts of His one body, and each of us have different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others'

From the above passage, it is obvious that we are sent to planet earth, for a purpose and this purpose is the Kingdom. What is more glaring is the fact that this assignment differs for every person sent. So, Gifts are provided in order for you to succeed. That is to say what you need to succeed in the Kingdom assignment is a gift given you freely by Christ Jesus...the 'Holy Spirit'.

Once sent, you are granted the gifts you need to succeed on your assignment. In Romans 1:4-8 the bible tells us that we have now every spiritual gifts that we need. As the Kingdom citizens of Corinth had every gift that they needed, so also, God has granted us every gifts including spiritual. 

These gifts, instead of working for the Kingdom, have been misused so much that the Kingdom citizens that are supposed to be beneficiaries, are now left confused and are therefore backsliding; doubting their beliefs. What they see their pastors' do contradicts what they read in the Bible. But they are reminded by the 'misusers of the gift', that the bibles also says they should not judge nor touch the anointed of God.

You must determine to use your gift for the Kingdom purpose today. Be 'Christ like', be the salt of the earth that should never lose its taste. Let others see your work and glorify your Father in Heaven. Your gift should not be a stumbling block for other Christians and non Christians alike, rather you should glorify God through that which you are gifted.

Use your talent to propagate the Kingdom message. In the end, what matters is your soul. When you fail to use your gift for the Kingdom purpose, God will required the lives of those that should have been saved through your gift. Talk to some one about God today.

Monday, November 24, 2014


“And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter…-Exodus 15:23”

In your Kingdom journey, you will come to place of Marah; a placement of bitterness and anguish, a place that you feel dejected and would rather not go on. Sometimes, this has to do with disappointments over unforeseen circumstances, other times, it could be simply that you did not listen to God's instruction concerning a particular path. The result, is what the bible refers to as 'Marah'. Are you at that point when you feel the church holds no answer to your troubles and doubt if God actually exist and able to solve your problems? Let me tell you now that alot of other people had experience the same thing before you. You need not give up. If you would simply read further the above Bible passage, you will realise that Marah is not the promised Land for you. and since it is not the promised land, God will provide a way through that place of bitterness. 

God knows that for you to get to your destination, you need to drink water without which you will be dehydrated and may not be able to face the goliath that you must face, overcome and enter the promise land. The story continues in Exodus “And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet…”-Exodus15:25. Right beside that challenge confronting you, there is a solution right there beside it that God has provided to solve that challenge in your favour. Cry to him in prayers and He shall surely show you that solution. 

From today, please stop dreaming about God magically fixing your problems without you first taking the steps to fulfilling your purpose on earth. Decide today to be in the Kingdom by asking for Jesus forgiveness for your sins and accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour, and He will surely make that tree visible that will make your bitter water sweet like honey

Saturday, November 22, 2014


In the book of Exodus, the children of Israelite took off in the full glare of the Enemy that had swore to keep them in slavery. Even though the Egyptians don’t like it, they just had to ask them to go. Not only that they had to ask them to leave, they gave the Israelis gifts of gold and other valuables. Now, that is hard to swallow. The Egyptians were forced to allow the Israelite leave after every of their first born child had died as a result of their refusal to let Israel leave, and yet, they shower Israel with gifts? Well, that is a Kingdom citizen’s journey for you. 

Once you take off as commanded, God will make even your enemy to provide for that journey. You need not sneak around once ordered by God to carry out an assignment. Trust Him to protect and provide for you while you go about His Kingdom business on earth.

Your Enemies Will Pursue You
The children of Israel had not gone far before the Egyptians realised what has happen. They had let go the slaves that had all the while build and tend other menial jobs. They either bring them back or do these jobs themselves. Soon enough, they pursued and caught up with them, but of course, the Lord would not allow His chosen nation on assignment be attacked by the Egyptians because they were not mentally and physically ready then to fight the Egyptians. So, God protected them with Pillar of fire and cloud.

Now, you may take off with fanfare, things may be going on smoothly. But suddenly, everything may come crashing down on you. You will begin to wonder and remember what you were probably told; “that lady is not your wife, she is sick, she comes from a wicked family, you don’t have what it takes to start and run a business, your business partner of many years may run with you money or a banker runs away with part of your business capital and then, you begin to feel that the end has come for you. No, that is very far from the end, the end is the Promised Land; the fulfillment of your destiny

Remember the prophecy concerning Paul’s journey to Israel and Rome? He was certain at some point that he was going to be killed, but God delivered him. Also, the children of Israel came to the red sea on their way to the Promised Land, when they saw the Egyptians chasing after them, they thought that that was the end of their journey. They began to complain against Moses, God heard their complaints, came down and make a way where there seem to be no way; and they worked through the red sea on a dry ground.

What you need is to stay right on cause, because God will provide a way right through that problem. If you run away from it, you could be running away from your destiny. God will surely protect you as you takeoff for his assignment and the fulfillment of your destiny in Jesus name. 

Friday, November 21, 2014


A Kingdom citizen’s journey is the most interesting of all journeys. When you enter the Kingdom, your movement becomes the responsibility of God. It does not matter if people like it or not, you have got to move when God ask you to and He will watch over and protect you wherever you go.

It does not matter if others don’t dare go out for fear of harm in some of the most difficult countries to leave in. Well, you have got to get moving and working on your Kingdom assigned responsibilities. It does not matter if the government tried all they could but failed to provide the much needed security because they themselves conspired with the criminals to deceive and corruptly enrich themselves at your detriment, God Himself will protect and provide for you as you embark on your assigned journey. It does not matter if someone thinks or says; you do not have what it takes to startup and run your own business, go ahead and start, let him try to stop you.

Are you in the Kingdom and have clearly heard God tell you to get going? Then, waste no more time. Start the journey today. It could be to teach and spread the Goodnews of the Kingdom, to Start-up a business that would benefit the Kingdom Citizens, volunteer to be of help where and when its needed etc. Do not procrastinate, get moving and He will surely provide and guide you along until you arrive at your destined destination.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Protection that you enjoy in the Kingdom of God includes but not limited to the following:

1. Protection against demonic attacks: they are powerless against you if you are in the Kingdom. So, you should concentrate more on getting into the Kingdom of God and fulfilling your destiny, rather than chase demons around for your failures. If you are truly born-again and have Christ in you, you cannot be bothered by demons.
2. Protection against witchcraft attacks: Witches and wizards don’t have power over you if you are in the Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit in you. The reason witches keep tormenting you is because you have not repent from your sins.
3. Protection against attacks on finances: You will have attacks on your finances if you are not in the Kingdom. The bible says we should love our neighbours but you are cheating them? Paying tithe is good but more importantly you should care for the downtrodden and the less privileged.
4. Protection against attacks on health: “You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will keep you healthy”-Exodus 23:25NLT.  Your health is in the hands of the Lord, He is the Lord that healed you. So, trust in the Lord and He shall deliver you from ill health and even add more years to your years. But please know that if  you reject the kingdom of God for worldly wealth and refuse to serve Him, even when you receive healing, another illness is likely to manifest within a short period. So determine to be in the Kingdom today by giving your life to Jesus.
5. Protection against attacks on marriage: He who find a wife, find a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord. Is your case different? You and your wife should chose to save the Lord now and every problems in your family shall be resolved in the name of the Lord
6. Protection against attacks on child bearing and children: “there shall be no miscarriages or infertility among your people, and I will give you long, full lives”-Exodus 23:26 NLT. This is so wonderful. you are fertile; which means that you shall definitely get pregnant when it is time. You will not miscarry; which means that you will carry your baby to term. God will give you long and full lives; meaning you and your child will have a blessed and long lives.
7. Protection against career: Whatever you do in life which you are certain is what you are born for is your career. If you are in the wrong career, you will definitely loss it or loss your soul altogether. So don’t be sad when you lost your job, it might be that God is taking you to the career prepared for you before the foundation of the world. Paul lost his career as an enforcer of the law and was appointed as a teacher of faith and grace provided by Christ Jesus, and your case will not be different in Jesus name. Amen.
8. Protection against prayer life: There are Christians that would not pray but watch moves for close to twenty hours a day. This is because you don’t have the Holy Spirit of God in you. Ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit today and your prayer life will be revived.
9. Protection against physical, harmful deadly attacks: A lot of us today, the only that is keeping alive is the prayers and faith of our love ones and the church of God. The reason is simple; God will answer the prayer the church in other for His children that are faithful not to waiver in their faith. But please know that time is running out on you. If you don’t repent now and return to God soon, those prayers Of the Kingdom citizens will no longer cover for you because you already know the truth but refused to adhere to it.
10 Protection against attacks on vision and mission: You are a soldier on earth but you must be careful carrying out your duties. If you are a house wife, you are a soldier in a war front to ensure that your children are trained to know the Lord and follow in His ways. So, do not resist you assignment, even if the world think is not good enough for you. So long as you are convinced that that is what you should be doing and it gives you happiness and peace of God, then glorify God through it. Mother Theresa comes to mind here. Sure you have heard her story.
11 Protection against attacks on bloodline: Foundation problems hold no power against you once you accept Christ as your Lord and personal Savior. Your new foundation is in the blood of Jesus. Accept Christ today and be prayerful.
12 Protection against attacks on destiny: A lot of people are been forced into the wrong career/destiny, parents forcing their wards to become reverend fathers or sister or pastors. If that person is meant to be a married man and you forced him to become a reverend father, he will never serve well, rather, he will continue to chase after girls in His Parish. Your promise notwithstanding, God’s ways are not our ways. So, stop forcing your ways on God’s children.

13 Protection against attacks on spiritual life: You have to be watchful and return to your first love to avoid spiritual attacks. Some peoples love for Christ has grown cold as a result of worldly pleasures. Please return to Him today before He removes your lamp-stand. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


'When your ways pleases the Lord, he maketh even your enemies to be in peace with you. If God is for us, who can be against us'? 

It is obvious from the passages above that, once you are in the Kingdom, and your name is fully registered as a citizen, you shall continually enjoy His protection over every spiritual and physical attacks. Throughout the bible, you will find that the Lord provided protection for those He chooses to do His work. Paul said the Lord saved him from 'certain death'. On several occasion, he faced what he taught would be his last but on all occasions, God saved him and he was delivered of them all and did go to Rome as promised by Jesus.

David understood the Kingdom protection so well, he said in Psalm 91 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in Him will I trust... For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways…” 

What David is simply saying  is that, once you are in the Kingdom of God, He shall protect you. It does not matter the arrows that flies around you, it certainly does not matter the number of people that are killed or wanting to harm you by whatever means, it shall not come near you.
While the governments will continue to do their best, their best can never be enough in this perilous time. You therefore should seek the Kingdom and its protection against those that seek to harm you. The promise in the bible is that God will make your enemy to turn their back to you if your ways pleases him. so seek to do His will today. 

I leave you today with the promise of God in Psalms 1: ...And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in due season... and whatever he do shall prosper. This promise is for those that are faithfully serving the Lord and have rejected sin and the way of the world.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


...”And replenish the earth and subdue it...”- Genesis 1:28

You are aware that God created the first man-Adam and gave him dominion over everything that He created that exists on planet earth. Of a particular interest however is the above statement by God directing us to replenish and subdue the earth. This Makes you a powerful being on earth if you are in the Kingdom of Heaven. in fact, there no where else you can be powerful, not even in Heaven. You can only exercise this powers here on earth.

You may need to ask yourself, what exactly you are doing with your time. Jesus told us  not to fear them: (the killers in the name of religion, witchcraft and other forms of demonic magics) that could harm us,-'Matthew 10:26 You are suppose to have an Holy stubbornness in you as a Christian to resist the killers with the Words. As the scriptures says; 'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death'. As a christian with Holy stubbornness in him, you are suppose to stand-up and speak the Words to the 'killers', Killers are those that steal public funds meant for construction and provision of better health services, road infrastructures, education and shelter, those that kill in the name of religion, those that uses demonic powers to terrorize those not yet in the Kingdom etc.

You cannot continue to love your life above your calling. Stand-up today and be heard, your country needs you, your society and immediate community needs you. Do not allow innocent children, widows, orphans etc, suffer when you could have spoken and stop some one from conniving and stealing funds meant for the public good. Be adamant and stubborn today about the truth of the Kingdom. They may not want to hear it, but say it anyway and move to the next 'community' if they would not listen to you. The words you speak will judge them in the end.

All things on earth are subject to you and you can command it to do your bidding. No wonder the bible says; all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.

Who are the people that love God? They are the people that obey Him; Jesus told his disciples, if you love me, obey my commandments. Therefore, those that love God are they that learn of Him and accept His invitation to the Kingdom, and to them an official decree has been issued to dominate and subdue with the word of their testimony of the Kingdom.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


“…For as many that are led by the spirit of God, there are the sons of God”.

Wonderful statement you would say, but most of us don’t understand the implication of that statement. As a son, you have a delegated responsibility to rule. You are royalty and as royalty, you have powers. Your words are laws that must be obeyed. This is why you must be careful how you pray and the words that you speak daily. Your word could make or mar a child of God’s life, the same person you are primarily sent to bring into the Kingdom. So, chose today to be led by the spirit of God in all that you do or say.

The Power To Forgive Or Retain Sins
“Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosever sins ye retain, they are retained”-John 20:23
From the above statement, it is obvious that you can forgive sins in the name of Jesus. Remember that you have the nature of God in you through Christ Jesus. Jesus made you His brother through adoption, if you are Jesus brother, then a son of God through adoption, a King who will one day reign with His brother, with Jesus as the King of Kings and you, a King.
Right now though, the King of Kings has sent you on assignment for the Kingdom, as a special representative on planet earth who can forgive sins. Oh! This is wonderful! Do you remember what Jesus told the Pharisees? That he has powers on earth to forgive sins and he proved it not just by forgiving the man his sins but ask him to carry his mat and walk, Jesus then passed this same authority to you.
As wonderful as this is, a lot of Christians are not aware of it and most that are aware, are misusing the powers. As powerful as Jesus is, He did not go about retaining sins. Again, God trusted you and gave you freewill to exercise His authority and power, but while Christ that pass this authority and power to you went about forgiving sins and setting people free from bondage of sin and sorrow and eventually died for our own sins, what are you doing with your own power of retention and forgiveness of sin?

Most of us are busy retaining peoples sins, even though God did not retain ours but sent His only begotten son to die that we might be redeemed from bondage of sin and death. It is common place now to hear a Christian say something like; “God will punish you”, God will “surely pay you back”, “you will surely pay for what you did to me, abi no be God i dey serve again” “na God go punish that man”
I like God, in that, before he gave you the power to forgive and retain sins, he had already told you that; you should be merciful just as your father in heaven is merciful, and that, you should forgive others their sins so that yours will also be forgiven. In other words, as you retain other people’s sins, yours also is retained.

This is one of the reasons why Jesus said, not all those that call me Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Why? Because, you are not doing the right things nor using the right Words, you are misusing your powers and it is time to stop and us it appropriately as commanded.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


As God's sent, one of your responsibilities is to carry the message of God to His people. Not necessary what they want to hear but what God has said concerning them. In the Kingdom, it doesn't matter whether or not you make sense to the world, what matters is for you to communicate the truth of the Kingdom and the King of Kings at all times. This could make you appear as a mad person. i.e, when you communicate to a tree like Jesus did in Matthew 21:19 or ask mountains to move as he said we could. This can happen both on the spiritual and physical realm. When Jesus spoke to that tree, it was physical and I tell, you can pray things out of existence. That is why God gave you dominion over them but you must be careful to use this power you have responsibly.

Disturbing Observation of Prophetic function
What I find disturbing about this great office is that our pastors have denied the people of this function, turning them into prayer warriors for things that are theirs by right. Prayer is very good but you must be ensure not to pray like an hypocrite. Now, the power that we have is in the “Word” but instead of teaching and relaying the Word by the Spirit as direct by God, most pastors have abdicated this responsibility and instead hands it to students learning under them. Their concern now is not the word of God but the show of healing, the miracles, the money etc in order to have more followership. 

Evil Seeds in Churches
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as everyone slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat. 

Are you planting evil seeds in the children of God instead of the Word of the Kingdom? repent now! Jesus spoke concerning you in the above passage of the Bible. What the world is hearing now is Christ the miracle worker, not Christ the way, the truth and the life. It is time to preach Christ the King and His Kingdom.
If Paul that most pastors quotes out of context most of the time today also preached the Kingdom; “And he went into the synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three months, disputing and persuading the things concerning the Kingdom of God”Acts 19:8 then, I expect all God’s children to do the same.

Lead by Good Examples
While Paul was at it, preaching the message of the Kingdom and his hope that someday, we will rise to be with our King here on earth, he was also setting another example for us to follow, hear him; “I have coveted no man’s silver or gold, or apparel. Yea, ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities and to them that were with me”.
C’mon pastors, instead of emulating Paul, you have turned your church members into lazy bunch who simply believe that by praying very hard even without the righteousness of God in them, God will magically supply that need without them actually working for it.

Please do not say 'God says' when He has not spoken and tell people to have faith that it shall come to pass, and it shall be well with you 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


From our discussion on Kingdom Ambassador, you understand that you are sent by Christ to among other things , function as a teacher. This is because, Jesus had instructed us to learn of Him. For some to learn, they have to be taught by others; this is such a serious responsibility and must be taken seriously by those occupying that office. Teachers in the Kingdom needs to be careful to teach what Jesus taught and not add human traditions and what 'feels right' to it. A teacher that teaches the wrong doctrine is in danger of condemnation and may take down lots of God’s children (seeking to enter the Kingdom) with him or her.

Kingdom Benefits
Jesus spoke concerning teachers teaching doctrines that differs from the Kingdom message, when he says; they don’t enter the Kingdom and they don’t allow those trying to enter to go in. Pastors, reverends or whatever name you are called or gave yourself , what exactly are you teaching God’s children in your church? The Kingdom message as preached by Jesus or the Kingdom Benefits? Most churches today teach the benefits to the detriment of the Kingdom. Which is more important, the Kingdom that offers the benefits or the benefits?

Please know that any benefit you derived from the Kingdom without first entering the Kingdom is an illegal acquisition and will not last. Not only that you will not enjoy eternal life in the Kingdom of God that will be ruled by Jesus, you will have eternal life in hell where there is torments day and night. Think about it, would you rather spend your eternity in hell tormented day and night or in the Kingdom of Kingdom where you will enjoy eternal life with Christ Jesus? Do not say your pastor did not tell you about the Kingdom, because you have the bible in your house and probably go with it to the church weekly. Its time you study it and pay serious attention to the Words in it. Read Joshua 1:8

Problems with Benefit or prosperity Teachings
The problem with prosperity teaching is that, people now think is about tithing. 'You pay tithe and God magical open-up the store house of the Kingdom to bless you without measure.' They think more of bribing God than seeking the Kingdom. Our pastors have led God’s children to seek benefits first, then bribe God to get more; the Kingdom of God is out of the equation. Please be warned, you cannot bribe God, He owns everything.

Religious and secular leaders in authority particularly in Nigeria and ofcourse other parts of the world are now poisonous snakes that killed and continue to kill God’s children with their venom. It is baffling how few individuals would steal money meant for millions of people, and despite the fact that this individuals have been exposed publicly, our pastors would go ahead and collect part of that money as tithes. Pastor, please know that you are bringing the judgement of God upon yourself, family and those wicked fellows. The innocent blood of that Kingdom citizen that died on a road accident is crying against you and that corrupt official because you encouraged that official to steal the money meant to construct that road for a 10% return which you now deviously referred to as tithe. 

That baby that died in transit because the parents were searching for a government hospital that have bed space to admit him or her will cry against you. 
The blood of every person that has been turned to a killer because you did not tell him about the Kingdom but busy preaching the benefits will speak against you on the judgement day. The blood of every innocent person that has died of hunger shall, as the blood of Abel cried to God from the earth, cry against you.

To him that is stealing from the poor, do you think making generous donations and paying your tithe from stolen money will save you? Think again. What will save you is to exchange your worldly live for Jesus Kingdom given to him by his Father, learn of Him through the bible, become truly born-again and not some chant in front of an altar of Satan that you have been born again. Your wealth if genuine, should be used to bless others, especially those that cannot repay you and in so doing, your Father in Heaven will open more doors of divine benefits unto you, not paying tithes to sustain the lavish life style of self appointed prophets and healers.

Reason churches open branches
The only reason most of the churches open branches is to be able to reach and tell people about Jesus the 'Miracle worker' and not about the Kingdom of God. Search the bible, did Jesus preach miracle or the Kingdom of God? Read the Gospels; Matthew to John and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Jesus central message is; Kingdom of God on earth, first within you which is why you were given the Holy spirit, later physical when you will enjoy eternal life with him on earth.
As a teacher, your duty is to constantly tell the people about the Kingdom of God. Your order of preaching should be: 1. Seek ye first the Kingdom 2. How to get there; “I am the way...”Jesus says and 3. Every other thing shall be added once you are in the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom seeking process is simple enough but some teachers have so far been successful in deleting the first two. Our modern teachers have turned the simple outline into impossibilities, thereby ensuring that God’s children are the ones looking for them, changing church or even some times quitting church entirely. Religious doctrines have now replaced the teaching of Christ making God’s children to be searching endlessly for where God really is. This is despite Jesus prayers in:

 John 17:20 “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimonies. My prayer for them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one”. 

Now, some Catholics will never accept an invitation to a program in any of the Pentecostal churches while lots of Pentecostals thinks Catholics need to have their heads re-examine. In fact, they don’t think most Catholics worship God.
Jesus foresaw what you are doing now when he prayed for you 2000 years ago, it was written down for you but you chose to ignore it, thereby effectively making Christianity an umbrella name for different brands of Christ. And since Christ has become brands, if the users don’t get results using one, they move to another-the next brand. C’mon teachers, stop now before it’s too late. You certainly don’t want to be among those that will tell Jesus; but we performed miracles and heal in your name and he will say, away from me you workers of iniquity.

What Teachers Should Be Teaching
§  The Kingdom of God: The Kingdom of God is practical enough, why are churches not preaching it even though Jesus message is centered on the Kingdom? Preach the Kingdom today!
§  Jesus: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, whoever believeth on Him shall have eternal life in the Kingdom. This is very important, in that you cannot be in the Kingdom if you don’t know the path that leads to it
§  Let them know that the prosperity that they seek are in the Kingdom but that they should first learn of Jesus, repent of their sins, take up their cross and follow Him into the Kingdom. 

Please feel free to add a comment and remain blessed! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


'Wherefore thou at no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ' Gal 4:7

If you are a kingdom citizen, then you are a king on planet earth. Jesus is the King of Kings making Him the first among equals through His amazing grace and sacrifice on the cross of Calvary to redeem us for the Kingdom. Through him all things where made and he has delegated His powers and authorities to you to rule also as a King right here on earth until His return. Please I want you to understand this; your ruler-ship authority is at the moment not a literal or physical ruler-ship, for that would put you on a collision cause with the earthly authority as current constituted. Remember that your powers are enormous, for you can exercise the same authority that Jesus has. 

Jesus derived His Kingship authority from God the father John 5:19-20 and can do all things the father does because the father shows Him everything He is doing. He exercise this authority in:

 Luke 2: 10NLT “I will prove that I, the son of man, have the authority on earth to forgive sins” then He turned to the paralysed man and said, “Stand up, take your mat, and go on home, because you are healed”, 

The bible recorded that the man jumped up, took his mat and pushed through the stunned crowd. These same authority that Jesus has, He passed on to us to exercise as children of God in the Kingdom. In fact, He said you could do greater things right here on earth.

Therefore, even though we are not yet sitting on physical throne, he has promised that if we succeeds and finish the works which he assigned each of us, that we will sit on thrones. Now, if you are just idling around, waiting for the rapture, please stop wasting time and go do the work your heavenly father has assigned you; bearing in mind that you are an ambassador from heaven and a king on earth with divine authorities.

Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, while you are king and lord. Exercise your kingship authority over principalities and powers today. To your fellow brothers and sisters, be willing to serve as commanded by Jesus.


The Bible makes us understand that; 'the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits'. Wow! this is so wonderful a statement. It seems in our daily struggle to conform to the world and its expectation of us, we tend to forget who we really are. Now read this: 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me-Philippians 4:13'. Now the bible did not say some things but all things. It even gets better, it says in Romans that 'all things work together for good to them that love God'. 

don't know about you but I am pretty convinced that I can do all things, and when it seems that I have made a mistake, I am reminded that all things works for my good. It therefore means that God will not allow my foolishness to get in the way of His plans for my life and His Kingdom, so long as I would not allow myself to abide in sin in the hope that Grace will abound. I can therefore 'trade my sorrows for the Joy of the Lord'. He is your redeemer and your shield. When your country fails to provide security, jobs and other basic needs, know that you have assurance from your heavenly Kingdom. You shall have in abundance, and the Lord will protect you wherever you go; doing the work you were sent to do, because he has ordered His Angels charge of you.

Once you are sure of your citizenship and position, prophecies don’t stop you from achieving your destiny. So, when your pastor tells you that marrying that girl will bring trouble, that should not stop you from marrying her so long as you have a leading in the spirit that she is your wife.  Below is one of the prophecies that could have stopped Apostle Paul from achieving his destiny:

“As we tarried there many days, there came down from Judea a certain Prophet, named Agabus. And when he was come unto us, he took Paul’s girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, thus saith the Holy Ghost, so shall the Jews of Jerusalem  bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him unto the hands of the Gentiles” Act 21:10-13.

Were the above prophesy false? No. For Paul did experience exactly what the prophecy predicted but if Paul had listened to the advice of the people around him when the prophecy came, he wouldn't have gone to Jerusalem en-route Rome which was his destined destination, and some of his accounts that we read today most probably would not have been written. Please know that when you enter the Kingdom and become an ambassador, you automatically become the responsibility of God Act 12:7-11 and He shall deliver you from all your enemies.

Bottom-line, God is able to save you from all situations including death, so don’t be afraid to carry-out your ordained assignment for the Kingdom.

Monday, November 10, 2014


A citizen of the Kingdom of God living on planet earth occupies four distinct offices namely: An Ambassador, a King a Priest and a Prophet.
Today, we will be dealing with your office as an ambassador:  “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ…” 2corinthians 5:20”. The Oxford Advanced Learners dictionaries define an ambassador as “official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his own country” i.e. USA's ambassador to Nigeria. From the above definition, it’s clear why the bible says that God made us a little lower than Himself and higher than other created beings. God therefore chooses to send you as His representative to correct the anomaly that exits on planet earth; for not only are we senior members of His creation, we have His nature and looks like His son unlike other created beings. So, God says, let me send the human that looks like me and have the nature of my son to represent me on planet earth.

You were chosen to be an Ambassador“If ye were of the world, the world would love its own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you...”.  John 15:19.Knowing who you are is crucial to your success; therefore, Jesus spelt it out for you above just in case you might have some doubts. Now you know you were chosen and no longer of the world, you belong in Kingdom of God. So, as from today, begin to act as a Kingdom citizen and not some one that is still waiting for the Kingdom. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour you are already in the Kingdom and no evil spirit can torment you neither can witches and wizards.

You Are Sent To Earth As An Ambassador “Peace be unto you: as my Father has sent me, even so send I you-John 20:21”.
For you to be sent as an ambassador, you need a letter, a diplomatic passport. Jesus handed you that letter above.Now you know you were sent as the Kingdom senior representative to planet earth with so much power. You are so powerful that demons and other evil powers either freezes at the sight of you or run for dear life, why? Because you were granted power along with your diplomatic passport to perform miraculous signs that he performed; heal the sick, raise the dead, chase out demons and even forgive sins once you receive the Holy Ghost and enter into the Kingdom of God, John 20:23.

As an ambassador, your worst nightmare is the devil (the accuser of brethren); he is scheming at all times to rid you of your ambassadorial position and all the powers that comes with it. But like every ambassador, you are immune to arrest and prosecution for whatever kind of charges your country of host might label against you. They can only complain to the government that sent you, and it’s only your government that can wave your immunity, not your host country. Sure this brings to mind our dear Job.  It is for this the same reason that the bible talks about the accuser of brethren. What the devil does once you become a Kingdom citizen is to go before God daily to accuse you of wrong doings, but he cannot touch you, your life, finances or other Kingdom benefits bestowed on you by the King of Kings.

I urge you today to exercise your right as an ambassador of the Kingdom over sin, powers and principalities.

I dedicate this page to Dr. Myles Munroe as he passes on to eternal glory. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


One could ask; Is Kingdom citizenship by choice, force, or birth? If you have been reading this blog, by now should fully understand the processes involved in becoming a Kingdom Citizen. Jesus told His disciples not to rejoice because demons obey them, rather, they should rejoice because their names are registered in the Kingdom. Now, any process that involves registration will also require some form of requirement. For instance, for me to have started this blog, I needed to have a Google account, I could chose not to and do something else altogether. I could as well take it down any day, any time I want. 

The kingdom of God is no different from this, in that certain things are required for us to be in the Kingdom which is entirely up to us; it is up to us to live a righteous life, be our brothers keeper, not to be a murderer, not to steal, live in peace with all men etc. Jesus certainly cannot do that for you, neither will God.

However, as the bible say, God's grace is sufficient for us, and that He is not willing that any should perish. Therefore, He offered His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide you as you make the choice to use the Kingdom passport that allows you free access to His kingdom and its benefits. I am certain that you now understand that, it is by His mercy and Grace that you can make the choice; for God has given you the freewill to chose between good and evil, between light and darkness and between His Kingdom which is light unto men and the Kingdom of darkness. But the decision could be difficult which is why you need His Grace and Mercy as you take the path that leads to life.

Luke 8: 37-40 did tell us a story of people who begged Jesus to leave them for they were afraid, and others who waited and received him with joy. Despite the awesome display of His powers in the above passage, Jesus did not force the people to accept him as Christ neither did He get angry and undo the good He did by liberating the demon possessed man. He however sent him forth to tell others of what he had enjoyed from the Kingdom.

Starting today, do not just recite creeds that you know nothing about, forced on you by religion, instead, study the bible, leave in righteousness of God and chose the salvation offered by Christ Jesus. For you were chosen before the foundation of the world to be in the Kingdom of God and not the Kingdom of darkness where there is everlasting torment.

Become a Kingdom citizen today by loving the Lord your God, living in peace with all men, and doing the will of Jesus who sent you into the world to bring men and women into the Kingdom by your choosing and by His grace and Mercy upon your life.

Be a disciple today to all nations...Amen!