Friday, December 12, 2014


Walking In The Light Of The Lord
'...come let us walk in the light of the LORD Isaiah 2:5'. It is time to work in the light of the Lord. When the children of Israel left the land of Egypt, the Lord provided physical lights to guide them both day and night. In our days, God has provided the Holy Spirit to be our guide. The bible says, 'God is spirit' and those that worship must do so 'in the Spirit'. The question therefore is how do you walk in His light?

Galatians 4:6 says; 'And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba Father". You can only work in the light of the Lord when you have the Holy Spirit in you, and you can only have the Holy Spirit when have entered the Kingdom, further, you can only enter the Kingdom when you have repented of your sins and 'put on Christ' through baptism.

What it means to work in the light of the Lord as Christians:

1. Let people know you by your good fruit: You must consistently live a good life, showing good examples worthy of Christ. You are the 'salt of the earth' and must show others the righteous path.
2. Obedience: You must live life in obedience to the Words of God, whether or not it conforms with what others expects.
3. Give to those in need: The bible says, it better to give than to receive. Don't just receive, form the habit of giving.
4. Prayers: Pray ceaselessly for the expansion of the Kingdom, for your brethren, and for yourself, and in all things giving thanks to the Lord.
5. Love your neighbors: As commanded by God, you must love your neighbors as yourself, for as apostle Paul said '...Have fervent love for one another, for, "love will cover a multitude of sins".

We pray that you walk in the light of Jesus this day and forever. Amen!

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