Saturday, December 13, 2014


Seek God 2
‘Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God…1 Chronicles 22:19a.’ As kingdom citizens, you are to set your heart and soul to seek God daily, in all things giving Him praises. Joshua advised the children of Israel to meditate in the law of the Lord day and night. God told us in Jeremiah that in the latter days, he will write His laws in our hearts, enabling us to serve and worship Him without confusion.

Why then do we have confusions everywhere in the body of Christ? This is as result of the people not seeking God but miracles and wealth. In order words, they are not motivated by eternal life in Christ to worship God but a brand of Jesus that keep witch craft at bay, provide government jobs without interviews and create avenues for stealing the collective wealth of the nation. This misplaced priority has resulted in Christians losing the vital gift of the Holy Spirit that should ordinarily be at work in them, to discern which prophet and prophetic message is of God. Consequently, my brethren can no longer hear God or have never heard God, and therefore have to depend on a pastor for all things pertaining to the scripture and God’s will concerning their lives.

‘Deuteronomy 4:29…Seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.’ You have a responsibility to seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul while He can still be found. Eternity with Jesus as King should be what matters to you not wealth and miracles.  The Psalmist say ‘I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.’ Why are you then so concerned about your future in the world to the detriment of your eternity with Christ? Jesus said you should not concern yourself with what you would eat or wear or drink for your heavenly father already knows your needs. Yet you don’t trust Him but go to church and visit prophets in His name to solve your financial and health issues without a thought for the Kingdom.

Look at it this way; imagine telling a member of your family, say your uncle that you don’t trust Him, yet you go to Him to beg for money for your school fee or to pay your house rent. Would your uncle oblige you? I doubt. The same applies with God. Jesus told you in the Gospel to seek the Kingdom (God), and once in, every other thing shall be added unto you. Why are you disobeying Him? Why look for shortcut when the actual process to legally obtain from the Kingdom is not much longer than the shortcut you are using that is not yielding any fruitful results? 

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