'God’s ways seem foolish to the Jews because
they want a sign from heaven to prove it is true. And it’s foolish to the Greeks
because they believe only what agrees with their own wisdom-1 Corinthians
1:22-23 NLT'
The bible says God's way is not our way and He uses foolish things to confound the wise. Think about a man going before a king and demanding that slaves must be allowed to leave, or a man talking to a tree, that would be considered madness. A leprous man was asked by Elisha to go and wash in a river, the man expected something else from the popular God of the Jews and the man of God. Yet washing was the only way for Him to get his healing. He later complied and got healed after much persuasion from his servants.
Is there a problem in your life that defiled all known remedy? Have you been told to simply pray and trust in God for a certain problem you are facing, and it seem not the right thing for you to do? Have you been in a position that conventional wisdom tells you to do one thing, while your pastor asked you to do another that seem foolish in the face of the problem?
Remember God's ways are not our ways. His word says; He has already blessed you with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly realm. You therefore only need to ask and trust Him to resolve such problems in your favour in a way that would seem foolish to the world.
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