Friday, December 19, 2014


Restitution For Sin 1
Instances abounds in the bible of people; committed men of God that somehow got themselves involved in sins, and how God made them pay for it even though they were forgiven after showing remorse. Examples of such men includes king David, apostle Paul, the entire nation of Israel etc. In the case of David, first he lost his son for committing murder, and his son had sexual intercourse with his concubines in a public glare for committing adultery.

But the church today shield criminals in the name of repentance. Some of these criminals have been publicly investigated and found guilty with evidence that they themselves have confessed to, yet the church is not taking steps to ensure the stolen wealth is restored to the rightful owners.

Imagine for a second that one of Jesus apostles was caught stealing, while others engage in sexual sins and other manner of sins, do you honestly think that we would have Christianity today? Yes, Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, but certainly those that are right inside the church praying and fasting but refused to change and embrace Christ, can only do harm than good. if they are allowed to continue in the church will likely infect the citizens with virus that may not be cured before Jesus returns. 

Some would ague that Jesus came to call sinners to repentance, and even dine with some of them. True, but the sinners that Jesus dined with came to repentance. One of them was a tax collector named Zacchaeus: “And Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord, the half of all my goods I gave to the poor: and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.-Luke19:8”. C’mon now church, let us leave out the people that are not of our faith a moment. How comes this guys that have stolen so much money from the country; money meant for construction of roads, schools, medical facilities and other basic amenities still members of your church? At least the entire nation knows  they have stolen, why are they not returning the money they have looted?

Zacchaeus confessed his sins openly, pay back every persons he cheated and gave half of all he own to the poor to show his genuine repentance. Why have your own followers (obviously they are not Jesus followers.) refused and are still refusing to return the money they looted? Is this attitude as a result of the wrong doctrine you have fed them?

The church must expose evil doers and workers of iniquity that have refused to repent of their sins. He who has stolen should return that which he stole. The only exception is if what was stolen is no-longer in existence.

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