Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Anointing To Proclaim Liberty To The Captives
There two types of captives; lawful and unlawful captives. While the world may be proud in keeping lawful captives, Christians are not to hold others captive, rather, when are to proclaim their liberty throughout the land. 

In the Old Testament era, specific period was set aside to proclaim liberty to all captives:

“Leviticus 25:10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants…”

Freeing captives is very important, so much so that the heavenly father deemed it necessary to institute a law to set free all captives on each jubilee. We are meant to show empathy, to write off debts, forgive those that may have wronged us, and generally give each other a clean slate to start over. This very important commandment was further broadened when Jesus came, announcing that He has come to “proclaim liberty to the captive”, Which He carried excellently to the admiration and astonishment of all. This assignment, like others, He passed to us to continue in His name.

What does it therefore mean to set captive free?

  1. Tell them about the salvation that is available in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, get them to believe and be baptized into the kingdom as citizens.
  2. Provide for the needy and genuinely care for the poor, giving a helping hand to the widow and the fatherless
  3. Supporting those in prison emotionally and materially to help them work out their salvation
  4. Standing in the gap spiritually to deliver those held captive by the devil, conducting deliverance where necessary through prayers and fasten.
  5. Show kindness and love to all manner of men irrespective of colour, race or religion.
Doing the above make you son/daughter of your heavenly father.  A story is told recently of two teenage girls that left a service where their pastor had preached that they have the anointing to set the captive free. Few minutes away from the church as they were going home, they saw a mad man. They both turned to each, and one of the girls said, 'this is an opportunity to see whether what the pastor said is possible.' And so she looked directly at the mad man and told him, be healed in the name of Jesus. Instantly, the man regains his senses and began to ask where he was and who took him there.

It may seem impossible but remember “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” Believe and act on your anointing; proclaim liberty to both lawful and unlawful captives today.

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