of Benefit Instead of Kingdom of God First
ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness...”-Matthew 6:33
Some, especially in Africa have turned the above scripture upside-down and will
readily ask; why seek the Kingdom of God first while hungry, no shelter nor
protection? It would be better to seek food, shelter and protection first, and
when these things are available, “I would serve the Lord in comfort, pay my
tithes, buy the latest vehicle for my pastor/reverend father to do God’s work and
even help the needy” they would say. How wrong they are!
It's no-longer news that the wealth of the nations is concentrated in the hands of the few, necessitating the upheaval struggle for survivor today. However, Jesus expressively
told us to seek the Kingdom first. So, as God’s children leaving on planet
earth, your first duty is to seek the Kingdom of God first every day of your
life. Nothing else should matter because when you find the Kingdom of God and
enter into it, other things will begin to matter as she blesses you with the riches in her.
Your wealth provided by
the Kingdom should be judiciously utilized for the Kingdom purpose. As you
provide more for the Kingdom purpose, the Kingdom provides more for you because, God knows that ultimately, it will be used for the Kingdom. No wonder the bible
says “God loveth a cheerful giver-2
Corinthians 9:7”
So, I urge you today to be a kingdom citizen and not merely conforming to the world around you. Doing the wrong thing simply because others that you know are doing it does not make it right, rather you should be the light that clearly directs them to the Savior and Redeemer of the world.
Seek His Kingdom today by prayerfully studying his Words (the Bible) and applying it to your daily life. Tell others about Jesus and his redeeming sacrifice for our sin today.
Remain Blessed!!
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