Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Blood On Your Hand?

Every pastor, priest or prophet that makes money the focal points of their teachings have a blood on his or her hands. When you talk excessively on money and wealth, to the detriment of the kingdom, you are a murderer. When you teach for pay and give judgement for a bribe, you are inviting God's judgement on the people you lead.

It is explicit what the bible says: "...Her heads judge for a bribe, her priest teach for pay, and her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean on the Lord, and say is not the Lord among us? No harm can come upon us".

Why deceive the very people you are called to lead into the Kingdom? Why not the Kingdom first? Why not salvation and righteousness? Why the craze to be named among the richest people in the world while your followers’ lives below the poverty line? The early Christians live their lives for others, sharing all that they had with the brethren. "The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul: neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they all had things in common...Nor was there anyone among them who lacked."

Today, the churches built using the generous giving and donations of members and non members have been converted to personal use by pastors, prophets and priest, denying the true owners of the church access to their contributions. Churches now own universities that their members cannot afford to send their children because of the exorbitant fees. It is now common place for a pastor to own private jet while members of his church cannot feed themselves. 

What is in vogue now is 'operations show your tithe card'. A lot of churches today will have nothing to do with you if your tithe card doesn't show that you have paid your tithe up-to date. While they go about telling people not to criticize the so called anointed men of God, they themselves will not leave their members to God's judgement but would deny them services that are supposed to be free of charge.

Now because of pastors, priests and prophets' wickedness, this is God's judgement: "Therefore because of you Zion shall be plowed like a field, Jerusalem shall become heaps of ruins...Micah 2:12" For daring to lean on God after collecting money for services that you were sent to provide for free, making God's children believe in lies, and helping them to pursue things that leads to dead, the blood of those that have died without Christ are in your hands, and God will require it of you.

It is time to live our lives in accordance with God's commandments.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


The New Commandment

"John 12:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you"

I whole bunch of the Christian community are going contrary to Jesus commandment. 'By their fruits we shall know them' says the bible; it is therefore simple to know in our generation who are children of the devil and those who are children of God. Children of God lives righteously and loves their neighbours while children of the devil are involved in disobedience and hate for their neighbours see 1John 3:10-23.

For you to love your neighbour in totality, you must first avoid "the lust of the fresh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." all of which are of the world. Remember that you are not of the world but a kingdom citizen; an ambassador on planet earth. You therefore to live your life in the service of your neighbour wherever you find yourself as commanded by Jesus.

To love your neighbour means to:

1. Help him who is in need.
2. Tell him about the kingdom and eternal life in Christ Jesus.
3. Do nothing to harm him 
4. Say nothing that could harm him
5. Do not envy him 

There are three things that abides, "but the greatest of these is love-1 Corinthians 13:13", "for the law is fulfilled in one word: You shall love your neighbour as yourself-Galatians 5:14". Why then do we still hate and kill? Some even kill in the name of God. You cannot claim to love your neighbour and at the same time kill him that you are sent to save.

"Whoever hates his brother is a murderer-1John 3:15" Those that have continued to seek payback and hates their brothers are actually considered murderers. You are therefore admonished to change your ways, obey Jesus commandment to love your neighbours.

You cannot claim to love God when you don't love your neighbour. In fact, the bible calls him a liar that claims to love God and hates his brother. Jesus said "if you love me, you will keep my commandment" Do you love Jesus? Obey His commandment today, show love to your neighbour.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Is Jesus Enough?

'John 15: 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends' Despite Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for our redemption, a lot of Christian still go about searching for answers in things or fellow human, instead of abiding in Christ. Traditions and lusts have been promoted in some instances above Christ to the detriment of God's children kingdom life, promised by Jesus.

The lust for personal wealth instead of collective wealth has taken over the church, so much that pastors no longer think about the poor in the society or even in their congregation, but rather about themselves. Riding in posh vehicles and private jets is now the order of the day. According to these flamboyant pastors, a pastor that is poor is not called by God.

While, we certainly believe that God's children (the righteous) will never 'beg for bread', it is absolutely wrong for a pastor to buy, (for his personal use) a jet while the sheep that he is called to shepherd goes hungry, sometimes for days without food.

Politician goes to church in the day time and visit demonic shrines at night. They love the front sits, to show off their ill gotten wealth, but will simply tell you that true Christianity is for the poor. Some are still sacrificing to idols for things that are theirs by right. 

'We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all' and therefore need not sacrifice our eternity in the Kingdom for money, houses, cars, jets etc. Your focus always should be Jesus as the vine and you as the branch. Abide in Him that you may yield much fruits for the Kingdom and not just yourself. Do not add satanic worship, unacceptable sexual practices etc in order to acquire wealth. Jesus is the Lord, focus on Him and will soon discover that He is Enough.